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Try Dive (Two People) Subscription

Please enter the requested information below to process your membership for Try Dive (Two People).

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Account Information

I agree to abide by the rules and guidelines in the Hazel Grove Sub Aqua Clubs (HGSAC) member's handbook and constitution and understand that failure to do so may result in the relinquishment of my membership to HGSAC. These are available to me on the HGSAC website and at any time by contacting the Branch Secretary. I also understand that membership of HGSAC and my access to the HGSAC website is at the discretion of the HGSAC committee.
I understand that my fitness to dive and coverage by BSAC’s Third-Party Liability insurance policy requires completion of a medical self-declaration form on joining and annually when renewing my membership. Should a medical condition mean you are unable to complete the self-certification guidance must be sought UK Diving Medical Council Referee (UKDMC) and medical endorsement form completed and a copy returned to HGSAC. If a medical condition arises between these times, it is necessary to recomplete this process unless advised otherwise by a UKDMC referee. It is my responsibility to ensure that I am safe to dive. IMPORTANT MEDICAL INFORMATION: I understand that by joining/renewing my membership I agree to be bound by the rules of BSAC and acknowledge that if I undertake scuba diving, snorkelling or any other underwater swimming and associated activities, I do so at my own risk and responsibility. By completing this form I also acknowledge that I am not suffering from any medical complaint or ailment which may jeopardise my safety or well-being or that of others whilst taking part in such activities and agree to BSAC and HGSAC holding my details. I CONFIRM THAT I UNDERSTAND THAT A UK SPORT DIVER MEDICAL FORM (OR DECLARATION FOR MEDICAL FITNESS FOR SNORKELLING FOR SNORKELLERS) MUST BE SIGNED, COMPLETED AND HANDED OVER TO MY BRANCH SECRETARY OR COMPLETED ON THE BSAC WEBSITE BEFORE SCUBA DIVING/SNORKELLING. I UNDERSTAND THAT NOT COMPLETING THIS FORM MAY RENDER MY INSURANCE INVALID. I understand that failing to complete this form accurately may render my insurance invalid. Completing this form/process is my responsibility.

Payment Information


Try Diving with HGSAC

Try-dive experience for one in a pool with a qualified instructor

Redeem within 6 months

Try-dive experience for two in a pool with a qualified instructor

Redeem within 6 months

Pre-payment for try-dive school session